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Translators:  17923
Narrators:  2050
Authors:  2804
Books:  6007

Frequently Asked Questions

Our answers

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Why do contracts last so long? Can the author quit earlier?

Tektime reserves the exclusivity of the distribution of translated books and audiobooks for a period of five and seven years, respectively. In this way the translator and the narrator can regain translation and narration costs, as well as to obtain an income for their work.

Do you think this period is too long?

Even though we strongly believe in all the books we publish, we can't guarantee immediate high sales for everyone. For this reason we have established minimum periods for the distribution. However, the author can, at any time, withdraw from the contract before the expiration date.

Obviously, he will be required to compensate the expenses that the translator and we faced, by paying a small fee, as indicated in the contracts.

I am a translator. Why should I join?

Our website will give you great opportunities to work with world-renowned authors and gain by exploiting your language skills. This is an innovative service, based on cultural exchange, to spread works all over the world-
Compared to similar services we:

  • guarantee higher earnings (up to 75% of sales)
  • withhold lower fees for our work (only 10%)
  • distribute translated works on all the most famous online portals (Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, ebay, etc.)
  • handle the promotion and distribution of books through our structure, minimizing the use of other sales channels, to always guarantee maximum earnings
  • give priority, in authors search, to those who sign up first
  • have a highly professional and qualified staff, always ready to respond to your demands
  • are always on your side to protect your work
I am an author. Why should I join?

Through our portal, you can finally translate your works without the need to anticipate a penny. Your books will be sold worldwide, in all languages you decide. Ours is an innovative service, based on cultural exchange and on the availability of so many people, who put their language skills at your disposal.
Compared to similar services we:

  • allow you to perform up to 2 translation proposals per day
  • withhold lower fees for our work (only 10%)
  • distribute translated works on all the most famous online portals (Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, ebay, etc.)
  • handle the promotion and distribution of books through our structure, minimizing the use of other sales channels, to always guarantee maximum earnings
  • ensure the smooth running of all the translation works
  • always do our best to promote your works
  • have a highly professional and qualified staff, always ready to respond to your demands
I am a narrator. Why should I join?

Our website will give you great opportunities to work with world-renowned authors and gain by exploiting your narration skills. This is an innovative service, based on cultural exchange, to spread audiobooks all over the world-
Compared to similar services we:

  • guarantee higher earnings (up to 75% of sales)
  • withhold lower fees for our work (only 10%)
  • distribute audiobooks on all the most famous online portals (Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, ebay, etc.)
  • handle the promotion and distribution of books through our structure, minimizing the use of other sales channels, to always guarantee maximum earnings
  • give priority, in authors search, to those who sign up first
  • have a highly professional and qualified staff, always ready to respond to your demands
  • are always on your side to protect your work
How can I check the progress of the books and audiobooks sales?

Inside your Personal Area there is a specific item "Sales" which will show the monthly sales, invoices and payments. Everything is very clear and easy to consult.

How will you send me the revenues of the books and audiobooks sales?

During the sign up procedure, you will be required to enter your tax information and your Paypal account where you want to receive the revenues. If you do not have a PayPal account you can simply create one at this address PayPal has been adopted to minimize all the money transfer costs.
As an alternative, for countries not reached by PayPal, we use the TransferWise service which will allow you to get payments directly to your bank account.
Click here for more information.

How does the income taxation works?

The income taxation will be subject to the charges provided for by Italian law and any international agreements between Italy and your tax residence country. Any withholding taxes, where applicable, will be calculated on individual entitlements in relation to the "Net Revenues", namely the list price (cover price) Vat excluded less the sales channels commissions.
Example: Your book is on sale on Amazon at 4.99 EUR. VAT is 0.20 EUR. Assuming that Amazon will retain for his service 30%, "Net Revenues" is 4.79 - 30%=3,35 EUR. This is the amount that will be divided between translator, author and Tektime as described in our reference table. We will apply any withholding tax as a tax advance on the amounts due for each of the three parties
It might look a bit complicated but do not worry, we'll take care of these tasks, preparing clear and detailed reports with all calculations done.

If you are a GOLD user and you do not reside in Italy, you will be able to avoid the application of the 30% taxation on royalties, upon submission of your Tax Residence Certificate to prevent double taxation, issued by the Tax Agency of the country where you reside

What is the translation grant?

The author, in order to stimulate translators to make the translation of his book, may (optionally) establish a translation grant, namely an amount of money the translator will receive in any case, even if the translated book does not sell even one copy.
This contribution (*) will be paid by the author after the approval of the first 5% of the book, by simply purchasing, through a special section in our portal, a GOLDEN COPY of the translated book. This special copy costs as established as translation grant (*). In this way, the paid amount will be counted as a book sales income and it will be accounted in the revenue report.
Obviously, the author does not participate in the division of this amount.

After the completion of the book translation and the relative author and Tektime approval, the translation grant (**), after deducting our usual percentage, will be credited in the translator's account. It will be paid along with all other books sales following our usual payment procedure.

John is an author and he wants to translate his novel "John's adventures" into french. He establishes 1000 EUR as translation grant.

  • Paul (the translator) agrees to translate the book and begins normal relationship with the author, as stated in the translation agreement.
  • After the first translation approval (5% of the book), the author must access to the dedicate section of our portal and purchase a GOLDEN COPY the book, depositing the value of 1000 Euro (plus the management costs refund).
  • The author will receive an order confirmation email and the invoice.
  • The amount of 1000 Euros (*) will be credited to the translator but still will not be available for withdrawal. This amount, which will be deducted from the VAT, taxes, deductions, etc. like the proceeds of books sales, will be just recorded in the translator's account. It will become visible only after the completion of the translation job and its approval by the author and Tektime. This amount will be included in the normal books sales and it'll be paid in the same way.
  • After that, the translated book will be distributed and the revenues will be shared between John and Paul (see graphic) as established in the translation agreement.

If the book translation should not be successful, for reasons attributable to the translator, the translation grant (equal to the GOLDEN COPY cost), will still be refunded (***) to the author.

Books with a higher translation grant will appear first in translators searches.

Please note that any agreement between the parties that goes beyond what is indicated in our standard contract cannot be managed by us in any way nor we can be held responsible for it. Tektime strongly discourages this type of extra contractual agreements between authors and translators.

(*) The translation grant will also include an additional fixed fee for the management of the contribution itself (transaction costs, currency conversion, etc.).
(**) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the translator.
(***) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the author.

What is the narration grant?

The author, in order to stimulate narrators to make the narration of his book, may (optionally) establish a narration grant, namely an amount of money the narrator will receive in any case, even if the narrated book (audiobook) does not sell even one copy.
This contribution (*) will be paid by the author, after the approval of the first 5% of the book, by simply purchasing, through a special section in our portal, a GOLDEN COPY of the narrated book (audiobook). This special copy costs as established as narration grant (*). In this way, the paid amount will be counted as a book sales income and it will be accounted in the revenues division.
Obviously, the author does not participate in the division of this amount.

After the completion of the book narration and the relative author and Tektime approval, the narration grant (**), after deducting our usual percentage, will be credited in the narrator's account. It will be paid along with all other audiobooks sales following our usual payment procedure.

Bill is an author and he wants to narrate his novel "Bills's adventures" into french. He establishes 1000 EUR as narration grant.

  • Jack (the narrator) agrees to narrate the book and begins normal relationship with the author, as stated in the narration agreement.
  • After the first narration approval (5% of the book), the author must access to the dedicate section of our portal and purchase a GOLDEN COPY the audiobook, depositing the value of 1000 Euro (plus the management costs refund).
  • The author will receive an order confirmation email and the invoice.
  • The amount of 1000 Euros (*) will be credited to the narrator but still will not be available for withdrawal. This amount, which will be deducted from the VAT, taxes, deductions, etc. like the proceeds of audiobooks sales, will be just recorded in the narrator's account. It will become visible only after the completion of the narration job and its approval by the author and Tektime. This amount will be included in the normal audiobooks sales and it'll be paid in the same way.
  • After that, the narrated book (audiobook) will be distributed and the revenues will be shared between Bill and Jack (see graphic) as established in the narration agreement.

If the book narration should not be successful, for reasons attributable to the narrator, the narration grant (equal to the GOLDEN COPY cost), will still be refunded (***) to the author.

Books with a higher narration grant will appear first in narrators searches.

Please note that any agreement between the parties that goes beyond what is indicated in our standard contract cannot be managed by us in any way nor we can be held responsible for it. Tektime strongly discourages this type of extra contractual agreements between authors and narrators.

(*) The narration grant will also include an additional fixed fee for the management of the contribution itself (transaction costs, currency conversion, etc.).
(**) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the narrator.
(***) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the author.

Where can I find the strandard agreement?

The standard translation agreement is downlodable by clicking on the following link:

The standard narration agreement is downlodable by clicking on the following link:

The standard agreement for publishing you original book is downlodable by clicking on the following link: ORIGINAL BOOK PUBLISHING AGREEMENT

I signed up but I did not receive any confirmation email. What can I do?

The confirmation email may have been considered junk e-mail (SPAM) from your mail server.
Try looking in the spam folder of your mail client or in messages marked as ** SPAM **.
If you do not find any messages, login with the credentials you entered during the sign up procedure.
You will be redirected to a page where you can request a confirmation email re-send.

Where can I find the coupon for the discount on purchases in your online library?

Open the page with your account data. The code is just below your general data.